Business Energy Contract Termination Template

Here's an example of a termination letter you can send to your current business energy supplier to request the termination of your energy contract.

Here’s a template you can use if you’re looking to terminate your current business energy contract. If you would like us to do this for you, all you need to do is fill in a letter of authority, and one of our energy experts will be able to manage the process for you.

Please contact us through one of the following pages:

Business Energy Termination Template

[Company logo]
[business name, registered address and company number]

To whom it may concern,

On behalf of [business name], I wish to formally terminate our [current electricity/gas supplier’s name] supply agreement as of [insert contract end date].

  • Our Meter Point Reference Number: [Meter Point Reference Number]
  • Our Termination Date: [contract end date]
  • Our Supply Address: [company address]

This letter has been sent to you to ensure the business can now switch to a new supplier if we wish to do so when our current agreement ends.

Please ensure you provide us with written confirmation that you have received this notice of termination as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

[Your printed name]
[Your position held in business]
[Today’s date]